The Lying Leper

He speaks the truth!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Righto, i'm at the city east uni computer pools, its 5am, and ive got 3 hours to brutally murder untill the first morning bus trundles along. The whole uni is empty of people, except for this one asian chick dressed in goth chains, who is busy sliding her forehead up and down her desk. This... is the kind of company i keep. I thoughtthe uni would be a nice place to take refuge untill morn, but things arent quite as they should/could be.

I've got my lovely headphones providing noise that is like music to my ears. Trouble is that only one headphone is working. Imagine what life'd be like if I could have both going. There would be squrriels and flowers and birds chirping and rays of gentle sunlight dancing across my fresh, young face. Sure, i'd be doomed to hours of uni squatting, but i'd have music to my ears! Just one side working, it aint nothing like what it should be. The music is half broken, not half working. Pessimism! Whinge! Cry! Sob... sob... sob....

Also, i bought food from the generous, friendly food machine. In stark contrast, the cold, heartless drink machine claimed to be sold out! This claim despite the rows of fluid i can clearly see in the glass pane in the drink dispenser. GIVE ME DRINK! These doritos are making me even thirstier! Damn you generous food machine! If only there was a watermelon dispenser. Watermelons are 95% water you know (and 5% melon i'd guess, but im just assuming that and assumptions ARE THE MOTHER OF ALL FUCK UPS) so some watermelon would for sure quench the fuck out of my thirst- and quench my appetitte.

Oh just great, now the music is skipping somehow, despite the fact i am listening to an ipod which cannot and WILL NOT skip. Hear that, ipod? You WILL REFRAIN FROM SKIPPING.

Thats right, i said it, refrain.

Oh no!

This is very bad. I wiggled the headphone wire to try and make the broken headphone work, and now they've both stopped. Silence. Holy mother of mary, i have no music at all, and still houra left to squat... life would be so wonderful if only i had just one speaker working. Birds would be chirping, children skipping, love would be in the air...