The Lying Leper

He speaks the truth!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Sweaty, Sweaty, Sweaty

It sure is sweaty.

Some kind of icy death would be nice right now. Crisp, cool, icy death. Boy would that be a relief! To not have to go on for another minute in this 3am sauna. Imagine, dying in a wonderfully frozen wasteland...

Death to sweat!

Sorry about all this- heat induced. So hot, a man just can't make sense. Idea! Let's all just pretend the above is extremely poor poetry. Otherwise the authorities, well, crazies shouldnt be blogging, now should they? Could be dangerous. Maybe I ought to Haiku my post...

So very sweaty,
Appetising cold death,
Die heat.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Laughter is NOT the best medicine

If there be such a thing as hilarious agony, then i'm writhing in it.

I have severe pain in my belly button. My belly button! How are people going to take this seriously? Even I'm laughing about it, and laughter makes the pain WORSE. Other things that make the pain increase are standing up straight (so i walk around with my back bent so far forward my head faces my feet) and urinating (my whole family think i'm having wild orgasms every time i go to the bathroom, such are the hoarse screams of agony).

I figure this pain is one of three things-

1- an abdominal muscle strain. I actually did do some physical activity today.

2- A delayed reaction to the pain of having my umbellical cord slashed in half and cruelly tied in a knot by some doctor when I was born.

3- An alien hatchling preparing to burst out of my stomach. I don't recall having eggs laid into my face, but i do sleep alot- perhaps the alien jumped me then. Geez, thats fairly violating, orally raped by an alien lifeform in my sleep. Actually, make that 'VERY violating'.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Race of the Races

It's on. The race to see who can destroy Sydney first- White Australia or Arabic Australia.

The riots going on over in NSW as we speak disgust me to the core of my soul. Or brain, or whatever it is that makes us tick. To see this kind of thing happening in our own country is disturbing, and i think it is a serious threat to society and even our very lives. For those that don't know what I'm over-reacting to, I'll elaborate.

Today thousands and thousands of white australians, brandishing aussie flags and singing our anthem, decided to 'take back Sydney's beaches'. They drunkenly chanted stuff like 'no more lebs' and strutted about in t shirts declaring "we're full, fuck off". Worse still, they viciously assaulted any people of middle eastern descent they came across. There was some particularly disturbing TV footage of a pack of white people piling onto two arabic looking australian women walking past.

This 'rally' was organised by sms after some kind of incident involving a bloke/gang of middle eastern descent attacking a lifeguard. From the video footage most the people in the riot looked to be around my age, all young people. And they seemed to be acting on behalf of australia, and the media appears to dig this 'us VS them' approach to the issue.

So in response to the racist riot, in neighbouring suburbs 'ethnic' gangs started tearing shit to pieces, destroying cars and assaulting people. This is all developing stuff as I type this so i don't know what the situation is.

So it's as a bunch of white dickheads taking it out on the innocent, while a bunch of arabic dickheads do likewise.

Out of all this, I just see an ever increasing cycle of hate that has been building up for a while now. Every time some people of middle eastern descent do something awful, like the pack rape saga or terrorist attacks or race riots, much of white australia is more convinced that arabic people in general are just BAD (of course when white australians do something messed up, we shrug and blame the media, the education system or the alignment of the stars). So 'ethnic' australians are persecuted to a greater extent every time one of them goes haywire, and this persecution spawns even more trouble. The racial divisions deepen and deepen, and boom, we have additional riots, or even terrorism.

So yeah, i think thanks to all this shit we're going to get blown up. That is, if the white supremists and arabic gangs don't destroy everything first.

Here's one link about it all-

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Tear for the Scrawny

It seems i've let a month go past without 'blogging'. Well, shit.

Today i will talk of a hidden minority, those who bear the burdens of the underweight. The western world's obesity epidemic has created this underclass of thinness. These poor souls cope day by day with wider types staring at them like circus freaks, and the burden bears down on their skinny bone-protruding spines rather heavily. Well, the days where they suffer in silence are over. No, not they. We, for I am one of them.

Thats right, this whole time you have been reading the thoughts of one of these rake-people. I am a fairly tall person, yet am only 60 kilograms in the weight. Think belimic beanpole suffering a famine of African proportions and you got me. Oh we who are high on metabolism may seem gifted, but the bare skin-and-bones truth is that we are cursed.

And yet, society does nothing to help! If i ever venture to one of these 'super' markets that are so popular, everywhere i look are products rabidly proclaiming their low-fat/no-fat promises. Dairy, meat, soup; it's all been robbed of fatty goodness. Even fast-food chains are selling out! McDonalds of all places has gone lite- leaving us thin folk in the dark. And god help the slender people who actually like healthy food- such as myself. I enjoy a bit of yogurt, but try finding some goddamn full-fat yogurt these days!

So, you ask, whats so bad about being thin? I'll tell you. Fat people- they get attention. You can't miss the bastards, bloating up in your field of vision. Thinnies, well people are as likely to try and hang their coats on us as acknowledge our presence. Also, ever played on the see-saw with someone half your weight? No, its not much fun. And its always easier to ostricise poor skinny timmy, rather than losing a few pounds yourself to let the kid in on the up-and-down action. And speaking of up and down action, its not easy for adult male skinnies to maintain missionary position when their scrawny arms can barely hold their own weight.

And try arguing with thick-necked bouncers when you've got shoulders the size of their ankles! Oh and sure, as a tall guy its easy for me to reach the top shelf, but can i support the weight of the object desired?

Enough is enough people, its time to make a stand and save the twigs!