It's on. The race to see who can destroy Sydney first- White Australia or Arabic Australia.
The riots going on over in NSW as we speak disgust me to the core of my soul. Or brain, or whatever it is that makes us tick. To see this kind of thing happening in our own country is disturbing, and i think it is a serious threat to society and even our very lives. For those that don't know what I'm over-reacting to, I'll elaborate.
Today thousands and thousands of white australians, brandishing aussie flags and singing our anthem, decided to 'take back Sydney's beaches'. They drunkenly chanted stuff like 'no more lebs' and strutted about in t shirts declaring "we're full, fuck off". Worse still, they viciously assaulted any people of middle eastern descent they came across. There was some particularly disturbing TV footage of a pack of white people piling onto two arabic looking australian women walking past.
This 'rally' was organised by sms after some kind of incident involving a bloke/gang of middle eastern descent attacking a lifeguard. From the video footage most the people in the riot looked to be around my age, all young people. And they seemed to be acting on behalf of australia, and the media appears to dig this 'us VS them' approach to the issue.
So in response to the racist riot, in neighbouring suburbs 'ethnic' gangs started tearing shit to pieces, destroying cars and assaulting people. This is all developing stuff as I type this so i don't know what the situation is.
So it's as a bunch of white dickheads taking it out on the innocent, while a bunch of arabic dickheads do likewise.
Out of all this, I just see an ever increasing cycle of hate that has been building up for a while now. Every time some people of middle eastern descent do something awful, like the pack rape saga or terrorist attacks or race riots, much of white australia is more convinced that arabic people in general are just BAD (of course when white australians do something messed up, we shrug and blame the media, the education system or the alignment of the stars). So 'ethnic' australians are persecuted to a greater extent every time one of them goes haywire, and this persecution spawns even more trouble. The racial divisions deepen and deepen, and boom, we have additional riots, or even terrorism.
So yeah, i think thanks to all this shit we're going to get blown up. That is, if the white supremists and arabic gangs don't destroy everything first.
Here's one link about it all-