The Lying Leper

He speaks the truth!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Deflowering of a Blogger

This is it, my first 'blog'. So many questions leading up to my big first time. Will it hurt? What if I don't do it right? What if, after I've stripped myself bare, they don't like what they see?

I know what you're thinking: 19 and never done it before! Especially in this modern climate, where most have whored their thoughts online at every blogspot in town, it is strange to think of such a matured blog virgin. Well call me a late bloomer I guess.

So why now, instead of my angsty teens? You see, for a long time I've considered myself a 'writer', yet lately just havent been putting pen to page. Instead, when I get some spare time around the house, it gets pissed away doing some innane crap on the computer. So why not hone my scrawling skills while I'm at it?

My real-life journal is collecting dust, it's time to modernise dammit, it's time to blog!

I just better not get fucking pregnant.


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